Member of the comedy group "Monty Python".
Father of Cynthia Cleese.
Holds a law degree from Downing College, Cambridge University.
Co-wrote several episodes of "Doctor in the House" (1969) and its sequels with Graham Chapman, and also wrote some later episodes as sole author.
John Cleese was a cast member of the highly successful radio show "I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again". His fellow cast members were Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden, Bill Oddie, David Hatch and Jo Kendall. It was in this radio show that Cleese's famous 'Ferret Song' (later sung on the television series "At Last the 1948 Show") was first heard.
Was a member of the prestigious Cambridge University Footlights Club.
Went to the United States with the Footlights stage show "Cambridge Circus" in 1964, and appeared on the "Ed Sullivan Show".
When he had to join the American Federation of Television and Radio Artistsin 1989, for his third appearance on American TV, none of the staff at the AFTRA office recognised him, or had any idea who he was.
Ever since one of his most famous Monty Python sketches, The Ministry of Silly Walks, he has found himself continually pestered by admirers to do silly walks for them.
Who's Who lists his recreations as "gluttony, sloth."
Rector of University of St Andrews from 1973-1976.
According to Brian Henson (I), when Cleese guest starred on "Muppet Show, The" (1976), he enjoyed the show very much and became very close with the writers because he wanted to get involved in the writing. When he did get involved with the writing, he and the other writers came up with a concept where Cleese was being held against his will on the show and would try to get off the show while the Muppets were trying to get him to do his scheduled bits. Of course, in this case, life did not imitate art, as a few years later, Cleese appeared again with the Muppets in the film Great Muppet Caper, The (1981).
Is an Andrew D. White Professor-at-Large at Cornell University.
During a 20 Questions interview with Playboy magazine, Cleese spun a wild yarn about his ancestors being named "Cheese". Couple this with the fact that close friends call him Jack (a common alternative for John), Cleese joked that he might go back to his old "family" name and move to Monterey, CA... thus becoming Monterey Jack Cheese. In fact, though, his grandfather's name *was* Cheese and he did change it to Cleese!
Co-owns the Christine Schell Fine Objects antique shop in Montecito, CA.
John's father's name was Reg Cleese but his grandfather was named John Edwin Cheese. He changed his name when he joined the British army in 1915.
Was 6 feet tall by the time he was 12.
Daughter, Camilla, born 1984 (with second wife Barbara)
Reached adult height of 6' 4 3/4" by the age of 13.
Said he was be the first person to say the F-word at a memorial service when he spoke at Graham Chapman's funeral.
Personal Quotes
"I think there's much more fear now than there used to be, much more fear of failure."
"You go in and meet the head of BBC One and get an assurance about not dumbing down. And then, of course a few months later, he's been replaced by someone you haven't met."
"It's lovely that Harry Potter and the Bond movies are still shot in England - that's a great pleasure, but it's true that most of the well-paid work is in America."
"I never enjoyed The Meaning of Life. I always regarded that entire film as a bit of a cockup."
"In Britain, girls seem to be either bright or attractive. In America, that's not the case. They're both."
"At my age, I want to wake up and see sunshine pouring in through the windows every day."